Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chocs 101 love chocolate is to know chocolate. So, mari kita berkenalan dengan si coklat ni.

Basically, ada 3 jenis coklat yang kita semi sedia maklum ; dark (aka bittersweet, semisweet choc), white and milk. Technically white choc is not a choc sebab this kind takde chocolate liquor tapi hanya cocoa butter...

Si hitam manis (dark choc) mengandungi 35% chocolate liquor dikatakan popular dikalangan orang lelaki. Milk choc on the other hand hanya ader 10% of choc liquor tadi & lebih digemari kerana rasanya yg lebih manis hasil daripada kandungan susu.

Ever wonder what kind of chocolate you are? Klik pada link di bawah.

Interesting facts for today:

Chocolate helps with depression, high blood pressure, Tumors and Pre-menstrual syndromes.

ps: patut la bila orang stress n frust suka makan coklat ;)

That's all for now.. Jumpa lg nanti...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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